With the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP), you participate in both the Army National Guard or Army Reserve and your college's ROTC program at the same time.
This program allows cadets the opportunity to serve concurrently as Army National Guard or Army Reserve Soldiers, full- time students and cadets, qualifying them for additional training, incentives, and benefits (E5 Drill Pay Rate).
Cadet Professional Development training builds on the two courses at Fort Knox (Basic Camp and Advanced Camp) and facilitates a cadet’s exposure to active duty Army units prior to commissioning. Eligible members of the Mississippi National Guard can attend MSU and not incur the cost of tuition.
Other Benefits Include
- Qualify for up to 100 percent tuition with the Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GFRD) scholarship.
- Earn a cash bonus, depending on your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).
- Receive a monthly allowance, based on your grade level.
- Get more money every month through the Montgomery GI Bill® and Guard Kicker.
Upon graduation you'll receive your commission as a second lieutenant and serve in either the National Guard or the Active Army. SMP is your key to success now and after graduation.
Additional Resources
MSSTATE Center for America's Veterans
Army National Guard SMP Website