Support the Program

Army ROTC Military Science Fund (310220)

The Military Science Army ROTC Advancement Fund supports events that enrich the cadet experience at Mississippi State University. These events provide essential experiences as our cadets embark on their path as commissioning officers in the United States Army. The fund supports many important initiatives such funding for the Bulldog Battery’s cannon fire at home football games, cadet entry fees for the 18.6-mile Norwegian Foot March, Egg Bowl Run expenses for cadets who run the game ball to Calhoun City and meet with Ole Miss cadets for handoff, and more.


Army ROTC Alumni Endowment (500772)

The Army ROTC Alumni established this Alumni general Scholarship with the purpose of this fund to offset ROTC cadet financial obligations on and off campus. This scholarship of $1,000, is awarded to three Army ROTC scholarship cadets each year who have demonstrated leadership ability and good moral character.


CPT Robert H. Bennett Endowment

In honor of CPT Robert H. Bennett.  CPT Bennett was a 1968 graduate of Mississippi state and was killed in action on November 4,1970 in South Vietnam, Thua Thien province.  Our goal is to honor Captain Bennett‘s service and sacrifice at the Mississippi State University Army ROTC program by establishing a permanent scholarship in his name. We want to reach the endowment level for Captain Bennett’s scholarship so that his name will never be forgotten, and his actions of courage will always be honored here at Mississippi State. During the Army ROTC Spring Awards Ceremony, Dr. A. G. Bennett (CPT Bennett’s brother) awards a Cadet the Bennett Award annually. The Cadet is someone that is well respected by their peers and someone as Dr. A. G. Bennett’s describes “as someone you’d want in your foxhole.”   


Contact Us

Jana Berkery
Director of Development 
Division of Student Affairs
Mississippi State University

Office: (662) 325-9129
Cell: 662-617-9807