Purpose and Objectives
The Advanced Course (third and fourth years) stresses the military skills and knowledge, and interpersonal skills required of commissioned officers of the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard.
Basic Courses
Prerequisites: MS 1112, MS 1122, MS 2112, MS 2122, and MS 3113 or instructor's consent.
Fall semester. Three hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Detailed instruction on problem solving, squad offensive and defensive tactics, to include specialized operations. Additional instruction in leadership and operations orders.
Prerequisite: MS 1112, MS 1122, MS 2112, MS 2122, MS 3113 or instructor's consent.
Spring Semester. Three hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Advanced instruction on platoon tactical operations and small unit patrolling. Discussion on the operation and employment of weapons in the platoon.
Prerequisite: Military Science Status or consent of instructor.
Fall semester. Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Plan, conduct and evaluate activities of the ROTC organization. Develop confidence in skills to lead people and manage resources. Apply Army policies and programs.
Prerequisite: Military Science Senior Status or consent of instructor.
Spring Semester. Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Theory and practice of the laws of war, leadership, and resolving ethical problems.
Other Courses
Professional Military Education
In addition to the above, each cadet must complete, as a minimum, one university approved course in each of the following subject areas; Written Communication Skills, Human Behavior, Military History (HI 4233), Computer Literacy, and Math Reasoning. The PME requirement is normally achieved by the cadet as part of a normal course of study. Students should coordinate with a Military Science instructor to determine a course of action to complete the PME requirement.
Directed Individual Study
Hours and credits to be arranged. Maximum of six hours.
Summer Training
MS 2256 - Cadet Initial Entry Training (Basic Camp)
The Army Cadet Initial Entry Training course can be used by students desiring to enter the Advanced Course who are not eligible for advanced placement under any other process (e.g. Basic Course, veteran, four years of junior ROTC, completion of Basic Training, etc). The course is four weeks long and incurs no military obligation for attendance. The course is a substitute for the two year Basic Course. Students attending may compete for Army scholarships.
The equivalent of MS 1112, MS 1122, MS 2122; or MS 1113 and MS 2223.
Summer leadership training course designed to introduce students to all facets of the military with a focus on understanding traditional military leadership values. (Summer)
MS 3376 - Advance Leadership Camp
The twenty-nine day Cadet Leadership Course is required of all students enrolled in the Advanced Course and is normally attended between the junior and senior year.
Prerequisite: MS 3113 and MS 3123.
Summer leadership training course designed to train and to evaluate cadet's leadership ability and officer potential. (Summer)
Entrance Requirements
Entrance into the Advanced Course is on a selective and competitive basis. The primary requirements for entry into the advanced program are satisfactory completion of the basic course or equivalent, good academic standing, demonstrated leadership ability, an approved physical examination and completion of 60 semester hours of college credit.
Simultaneous Membership program (SMP)
Students who are members of a National Guard or Army Reserve unit may qualify for direct entry into the Army ROTC Advanced Course. Consult the PMS for additional information concerning the financial benefits of this program.
Commissioning as a Second Lieutenant
Requirements for commissioning as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army include twenty-nine days at the Cadet Leadership Course (normally between the junior and senior years), completion of the Advanced Course, satisfactory academic progress, and the recommendation of the Professor of Military Science (PMS).